Through the use of leading edge technology and the best trained people in the industry, Hupp Electric Motors has become an industry leader. Our dedication to quality and complete customer satisfaction makes us the smart choice for all of your motor repair needs.
Our rewind process utilizes the Hupp Inverter Grade VPIE+ Insulation System® on all low voltage motors (208-230/460 & 575 VAC) and medium voltage rewinds up to 13KV.
At the heart of this insulation system is a magnet wire rated for 2000 volts. In addition to this wire, we use the highest dielectric strength class H insulating materials. We offer a three-year warranty on all motor rewinds and a two-year warranty on all mechanical repairs.

- AC Motor & Control Repair
- DC Motor & Control Repair
- Certified Energy Efficient Motor Repair Shop
- IEEE 841 Repair
- UL Explosion Proof Motor Recertification
- Vacuum Pressure Impregnation (VPI)
- Full Machine Shop Service
- Centrifugal & Submersible Pump Repair
- Parts Renewal & Salvage
- Gear Box / Motor Repair
- Dynomometer Load Testing
- Dynamic Balancing thru 15,000 lbs
- Crane & Hoist Repair & Retrofits
- 2,500 KVA, 0-13,000 Volt Test Panel
- Core Loss Testing (up to 10,000 HP)
- 10 Overhead Cranes (largest is 50 ton)
- Predictive Maintenance Programs
- Dynamic Balancing
- Vibration Analysis
- Infrared Inspections
- Computerized Motor Circuit Analysis
- Switchgear Maintenance
- Full Millwright Services
- Laser Alignment
- Motor & Generator Troubleshooting
- Motor Control Repair, Modification & Retrofit
- Electronic Troubleshooting
- Start-Up Services
- Power Quality Monitoring